How you define a problem affects the solution

Author: Savas Savvides

Date: 8/25/2024 10:59:07 PM

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I only took one class in Political Science, and that was many years ago, but I still remember this one lecture.

The lecture was about how to solve problems.

Essentially, the professor said that you need to give the right solution to the right problem. But many times, people give the right solution to the wrong problem, and other times give the wrong solution to the wrong problem.

In other words, how you define the problem makes a huge difference.

And the professor said, that once you define the correct problem, you then write down all the alternative solutions.

But he said, always the first alternative solution is "do nothing". In other words, if you cannot find a good solution, the "do nothing" is the best alternative.

For us Cypriots, the biggest problem is the "Cyprus Problem". Some people want to "solve" it right here and now. But even worse, the huge majority of Cypriots cannot think outside the box and propose any other solution except the UN-sponsored talks.

Just a few days ago, I came across and article in a local newspaper stating that President Christodoulides has designated a new "chief negoatiator".

By just labeling the head of the Cyprus problem team as one of "negotiator", the President and the government establishment, essentially they are saying that they cannot think of any other approach in peacefully solving the problem.

I am here to argue that the Cyprus problem can be solved in a unilateral way.

So, instead of waiting for some young American researcher to write a 600 page plan and then we start negotiating, at which time, the Turkish side switches into their Anatolian bazaar mode, and argue endlessly about everything, we can write a simple two-page plan.

This simple two-page plan will be balanced and fair to every Turkish Cypriot family man (and woman). If any third-party can point to an unfair point, then we can change it quickly.

So, when the time comes that the other side is serious for a solution, then we will have the balanced plan ready and not end-up in a civil war amongst us while a plan is prepared behind closed doors, rumors fly around, etc.

This plan will actually start with the words "Given that the Turkish Cypriots are under occupation by the Turkish Army, and that they cannot speak their mind freely, we the Greek-Cypriots and other interested parties have drafted the following simple plan, that we believe is fair and sustanable".

Ok, I can hear you calling me crazy and other names. But keep in mind what Eistein said. He said that "it is a sign of craziness to keep trying the same thing and expect a different outcome". After 50 years of negotiations it is time to also try something else.

Ok, so you are asking, how can we apply a unilateral solution? Well, the first step is to put together this simple and fair solution. We then apply the parts that can be applied at that time. As a matter of fact, we have already applied parts unilaterally. For example, we decided to issue Cyprus, thus EU, passports to all Turkish Cypriots just by them showing up and asking for one.

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